Jim McGreevey envisions a strategy for economic development in Jersey City that promotes sustainable growth and benefits all residents. His focus is on creating jobs, supporting local businesses, attracting new investments, and ensuring that the city's economic growth includes opportunities for everyone.
From 2021 to 2023, average residential tax bill during that same timeframe went from $7,409 to $10,560, which is an increase of over 42 percent. The New York Times, August 2023, demonstrated that, among the 100 largest cities in the United States, Jersey City had singularly the greatest change in rent, year-over-year, of 23.3 percent for a one-bedroom apartment, placing the cost at $3,390. Jersey City must be affordable for working families. Affordability is critical to any economic development initiatives and endeavors for the City.
Proposed Solutions:
NJ.COM - McGreevey: Jersey City needs to get its budget act together | Opinion
JCtimes.com - McGreevey Says He Supports DEP Plan for Liberty State Park
NJ.COM - McGreevey: Jersey City cannot afford the Pompidou Museum | Opinion
NJ.COM - McGreevey: Faith-based partnerships would strengthen Jersey City | Opinion
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